Kendama is more than a toy and one of the most popular musicians in Baltics made a true masterpiece - Kendama Anthem.
No more words - just ENJOY!
First time presented live at biggest Kendama event held in Europe: DKO (Domina Kendama Open). Believe it or not but this videoclip was shot in just 6h while it was top1 trending on Youtube (Latvia) for more than 2 weeks.
The music video itself was shot in some crazy places, including an airport, on a skyscraper and even in some local school, where Kendama seems to be forbidden?!
In my opinion the best shots were definitely on that skyscraper with Riga, the beautiful capital of Latvia in the background. What do you think?
Shoutout to Silins beat, @KendamaUSA, @shopo.lv , Z-Towers, Jurmala Airport and all the participants.